Fennel bitter essential oil comes from the botanical species Foeniculim vulgare M. of the Umbilifera family. It is a plant of Mediterranean origin, currently cultivated in many countries around the world, which can grow up to 2m tall and has affiliated green leaves and intense yellow flowers.
Its oil is produced by steam distillation of the fruits and the aerial parts.
The benefits of fennel bitter essential oil are as follows:
Great ally of digestion; It is useful in case of indigestion or heavy digestion, states of indigestion or satiety, and helps to relieve gastrointestinal spasms.
Stimulates the appetite and helps quench thirst in summer.
Combined with plants that reinforce its action, it helps to stop diarrhea.
Helps eliminate gas, flatulence, meteorisms, bad taste in the mouth and bad breath (halitosis). It can be safely given to babies when they suffer and cry from gas.
Increases diuresis, so it can be a help in case of fluid retention, edema, or retention overweight.
It is a support in case of arterial hypertension due to its diuretic effect (especially the root), but in this case it will be better to associate it with other more strictly hypotensive plants such as hawthorn, periwinkle or bloodroot.
Presents a certain regulatory action at the hormonal level. It is indicated in case of scanty periods or painful periods, and to treat premenstrual syndrome (in this case in combination with other more specific herbs).
It is an excellent support in the climacteric to combat some of its symptoms, such as low back pain, fluid retention, and gas.
It has also been shown to be useful in reducing symptoms of menopause such as lack of sleep, vaginal dryness or anxiety.
Eye baths are intended to relieve inflammation of the eyelids or blepharitis.
Organoleptic properties
Fennel bitter essential oil is mobile liquid, with a slightly yellow color and a powerful herbaceous, pungent, sweet odor.
Herbaceous, pungent, sweet smell
Slightly yellow
Mobile liquid
Major components of fennel bitter essential oil are alpha-frelandrene, limonene and trans-anethole. In addition, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, myrcene, fenchone and estragole also stand out in their composition.
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