Lavender essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the flowering tops of the botanical species Lavándula angustifolia L. also classified as Lavándula Vera, of the Labiaceae family, which grows spontaneously in the Mediterranean basin, especially in Southeastern French, which is where its industrial use began and developed. Although at present the wild plant that in France they call “Authentic Lavender” is hardly harvested, obtaining the oil from important plantations that are cultivated in various countries of the world.
The oil is contained in the flowering tops, so the harvesting, currently mechanized, is carried out trying to harvest the least possible amount of stem and leaves, since these only increase the unproductive volume to be handled.
This botanical species is a shrub between 30 and 60 cm. Tall, with narrow, pointed leaves and violet flowers, less intense blue than Lavandín, grouped at the top of the spike, which is where it contains its oil.
Lavender essential oil distillation occurs in August.
The benefits of lavender essential oil are as follows:
It is a natural antiseptic, using a couple of drops of lavender will help reduce bleeding in a wound, clean it and prevent any infection.
It has anti-inflammatory properties that will help you recover from any injury, sprain among others.
Acts as a relaxant in the central nervous system, reducing stress, anxiety and insomnia.
It is an antioxidant, so it will help you have better digestion.
It is antiviral and antibacterial, so it will be of great help in cases of pharyngitis, laryngitis or any inflammation. In addition, it treats illnesses such as the flu, bronchitis and any common cold.
Organoleptic properties
Lavender essential oil is a mobile clear liquid, light yellow, with a characteristic, fresh, floral odor, reminiscent of the smell of the flowering stages of the plant.
Characteristic, fresh, floral olor
Light yellow
Mobile clear liquid
Main components of lavender essential oil are linalool and linalyl acetate. Besides limonene, eucalyptol, cis-beta-ocimeno, trans-beta-ocimeno, camphor, terpinen-4-ol, lavandulil acetate, lavandulol and alpha-terpineol also stand out in their composition.
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