Marjoram essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the flowering tops of the botanical species Thymus mastichina L. of the Lamiáceas family, endemic to central and southern Spain, being a herbaceous plant of up to 60 cm high, which grows spontaneously from sea level to 1800 m altitude and whose flowering.
Thymus mastichina L. distillation occurs between the months of May and June.
Marjoram essential oil has digestive properties, which increases the production of gastrointestinal juices, achieving an improvement in digestion. Due to this, the consumption of this plant is especially useful in case of constipation and digestive disorders in general.
This plant has antispasmodic properties, as it helps to relax the muscles, making it amazingly effective in treating stomach cramps and diarrhea.
Marjoram is used as an antibacterial drug for urological use, its consumption being highly recommended to treat urinary tract infections.
Thanks to its excellent properties, marjoram provides the body with a wide and high range of options and benefits that can treat various conditions, such as:
Diseases of the respiratory system, nervousness, stomach gas, such as stomach tonic and antispasmodic
In headaches, headaches, amenorrhea.
It is also excellent for treating infections, respiratory problems, anxiety and stress problems, urinary infections and sleep problems.
Organoleptic properties
Marjoram essential oil is a liquid, with a color that ranges from almost colorless to pale yellow, with a characteristic, cineolic and spicy olor.
Characteristic, cineolic and spicy olor
Almost colorless to pale yellow
Major components of marjoram essential oil are eucalyptol, linalool. In addition, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, limonene, camphor, linalyl acetate and alpha-terpineol also stand out in their composition.
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