Myrtle essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the leaves, a botanical species Myrtus communis L. belonging to the family Myrtaceae.
They are evergreen shrubs, dense and very branchy, up to 4 or 5 m high. Leaves are coriaceous, lanceolate and shiny, ovatolanceolate, acute and opposite and persistent from 2 to 3 cm, provided with glands that are very aromatic when scrubbed. White, fragrant and very fragrant axillary flowers measuring 2 to 3 cm in diameter with numerous stamens. Berry fruit, 1 cm in diameter, dark blue or bluish black.
They have as a fruit edible berries that are dispersed by birds. The species requires mild climates, although it withstands the summer drought of the Mediterranean climate quite well, it should not be excessively pronounced and it needs fresh and somewhat humid soils, which is why the bayberry communities are typical of the Mediterranean coast and islands.
The common myrtle (M. communis) is found throughout the Mediterranean region. He is a native of southern Europe and North Africa.
Myrtus communis L. is produced in the months of September and October.
The benefits of myrtle essential oil are as follows:
Thyroid and ovarian stimulant.
Tonic and regenerator of the skin (this oil is not toxic or irritating, so it is indicated for all skin types).
Antiviral and antibacterial (it is even more powerful than tea tree oil).
Antitussive, expectorant and mucolytic.
Sedative (facilitates sleep).
Urinary tract infections, cystitis, and prostatitis (prostate decongestant).
Hemorrhoids, varicose veins, venous stasis (venous and lymphatic decongestant).
Organoleptic properties
Myrtle essential oil is liquid appearance that has a color that ranges from yellow to reddish orange and is characteristic for having a bitter and penetrating aroma.
Bitter and penetrating aroma
From yellow to reddish orange
Main components of myrtle essential oil are: alphapinene, eucalyptol and myrtenyl acetate. Other components that are present in a lower proportion, but with significant values, are limonene, linalool, alpha-terpineol and geranyl acetate.
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