Eucalyptus globulus 80 essential oil

eucalyptus globulus 80 essential oil description

Eucalyptus is one of the most powerful natural antiseptic oils. Eucalyptus essential oil is distilled principally from the fresh leaves and twigs of  Eucalyptus globulus of the Myrtaceae family, the well-loved tall and handsome Tasmanian evergreen blue gum tree. It has a clean, camphoric and cleansing perfume that blends well with lavender, pine and rosemary. Eucalyptus is a very powerful essential oil, so use it with care. If a recipe says I drop, then that is all you require!

Eucalyptus globulus contains approximately 75% oxides, which are stimulating to body systems. It provides relief in cold and flu season, as it is antiviral, decongestant and mucolytic.

While Ecucalyptus globulus is perhaps the most popular of the eucalyptuses, do not discount the benefits of the others. A closser look at the differences in chemistry can help you to determine wich eucalyptus is most suitable for the condition you hope to mitigate.

It is an arboreal species belonging to the Myrtaceae family, which can reach a height between 45 and 75m and that, by means of steam distillation of leaves and branches, which must be extended between 2 and 3 hours, we obtain with a yield of 1 to 2%, a yellow-brown to reddish-colored oil with an intense smell spicy, due to its isovalerian aldehyde content, and it has between 45 and 65% 1.8-Cineol.

This tree, native to the Australian southeast and Tasmania, is widely spread throughout the world due to its ease of reproduction and in turn of growth, being a characteristic of reproduction and its rapidity of growth, being an important characteristic of the mime to absolve all the water around you.

Eucalyptus globulus 80 essential oil distillation occurs throughout the year.

eucalyptus globulus 80 oil benefits

Eucalytus globulus 80 essential oil has purifying, cooling, and antibacterial properties.

  • Antibacterial and antiseptic: Combats germs and bacteria that is why it is suitable in processes of bronchitis, colds, sinusitis, etc.
  • Decongestant and expectorant: Helps to expel mucus and thereby helps relieve cough.
  • Purifying and refreshing: Purifies environments, and can improve the breathing of those who suffer from sinusitis or nasal congestion.
  • Anti-inflammatory: It is a property of the most unknown, but the essential oil of eucalyptus is used to improve muscular, rheumatic and arthritic pain.
  • Stimulating: It is stimulating, promotes attention and concentration. It is very useful to counteract laziness. This property makes it ideal in work environments using diffusers.

eucalyptus globulus 80 oil uses

  • Eucalyptus globulus oil is used in the treatment of burns, blisters, cuts, herpes outbreaks, wounds and sores because it prevents bacterial growth, inhibits the growth of viruses in damaged tissue, and eases pain by numbing nerves. It is one of the best oils to use in blends to kill head lice and ease insect bites. It also acts as an insect repellent. It is used in low concentrations in creams for cold sores and for genital herpes.
  • Added to baths and massage oils or creams, eucalyptus globulus oil will ease the pains of sore muscles, body aches, rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Eucalyptus has long been respected for its ability to lower temperature and help the respiratory tract by loosening and removing mucus during attacks of bronchitis, coughs, influenza, sinusitis and throat infections, Eucalyptus radiata is said to be a powerful expectorant, especially when blended with eucalyptus smithii.
  • Added to a footbath, it is a prime remedy during feverish attacks.
  • Use in inhalations and air sprays during outbreaks of disease such as those mentioned above, chicken pox or measles. Its antiviral and antibacterial action will deter futher growth of the bacteria or viruses. At the same time it will also give some protection to other members of the family. Used in an air spray, its antibacterial and antiviral properties will help to prevent the spread os epidemics and diseases. A researcher has found that as little as 2 % eucalyptus oil in a room spray can kill as much as 70 % of Staphylococcus bacteria in the air.
  • A hot compress containing eucalyptus will increase the flow of urine; combined with its other properties, this will help to ease cystitis and urethritis.
  • Another useful and interesting property of eucalyptus oil is that it removes many stains and grease marks from clothes. Be sure to wash well with hot water and air dry.
  • Eucalyptus is definitely a brain cleanser, crystallizing the mind like a breath of fresh air and aiding concentration.

eucalyptus globulus 80 oil organoleptic properties

Eucalyptus globulus 80 essential oil is liquid, yellow to pale yellow in colour, aromatic olor, with a characteristic cineole aroma.

Olor Eucalyptus globulus 80 oil

Characteristic of cineole

Colour Eucalyptus globulus 80 oil

From yellow to pale yellow

Appearance Eucalyptus globulus 80 oil


eucalyptus globulus 80 essential oil components

Main component of Eucalyptus globulus 80 essential oil is eucalyptol. In addition, it is worth noting other components such as alpha-pinene sabinene, alpha-phelandrene, limonene, sip-cymene, aromandendrene and trans-pinocarveol.










  • Analgesic
  • Anthelmintic
  • Antibacterial
  • Antifungal
  • Anti-infectious
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antiputrescent
  • Abtirheumatic
  • Antiseptic
  • Antiviral
  • Expectorant
  • Febrifuce
  • Pectoral

C/ Antonio Gómez Millán, nº 29
Parque Tecnológico Citec
41120, Gelves (Seville)

Labdassence Aceites esenciales y plantas aromáticas

Tel: +34 955439492


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Nº RGSEAA 31.003179/SE

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