
Helichrysum essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the flowering tops of the botanical species Helichrysum stoechas L. Moench belonging to the Asteraceae family.

The main use of the immortelle is ornamental. Its flowers can be of various shades (similar to roses) and offer an elegant color to the garden or public place. When several different species are grown with different colors, a colorful and multi-colored picture can be observed.

This plant is continuously maintaining its lustrous green color. Maintains smoothness and lighting quite well. Its leaves are intense green, and some species have shades of color at the tips. There are also red, yellow or purple ones.

The stem is green and ends in flowers of pink, reddish, white and yellow tones. These flowers can only be seen in the summer season. They tend to have a starry shape and the warmest time of year is when the flowers are most showy. Manages to reach 30 cm in height.

Usually the evergreen plant keeps growing for several years before blooming for the first time. Without a doubt, it is a very beautiful shrub. It is used for decorative purposes worldwide. You can find it both in vases and in soil and pots. The varieties are more valued to cover and decorate the sunniest and driest areas.


The benefits of helichrysum essential oil are the following:

  • Cure pharyngitis, thanks to its antibiotic capacity.
  • To alleviate cystitis, since in addition to antibiotics it is diuretic.
  • Soothe pain, due to its anti-inflammatory capacity.
  • Heal stomach ulcers or stomach ailments.
  • Slow down the fever.
  • Remove warts.
  • Repair the skin, for which we will have to include its juice in any mask that we use.
  • Eliminate acne and impurities from the skin.
  • Heal ulcers, cuts, stings and burns; thanks to its antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory effects.

Organoleptic properties

Helichrysum essential oil is liquid appearance, which has a color that ranges from pale yellow to yellow and is characteristic for having a spicy and fresh aroma.


Spicy and fresh aroma


From pale yellow to yellow




Major component of helichrysum essential oil is alpha-pinene. Other components that are present in a lower proportion, but with significant values, are limonene, delta-cadinene, beta-caryophyllene, aromadendrene and alloaromadendrene.







C/ Antonio Gómez Millán, nº 29
Parque Tecnológico Citec
41120, Gelves (Seville)

Labdassence Aceites esenciales y plantas aromáticas

Tel: +34 955439492
labdassence @labdassence.com
fbm @labdassence.com


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© Labdassence | SL de Plantas Aromáticas Industrializadas.
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