Olive vegetable oil is obtained by cold pressing the fruit of the botanical species Olea europaea L., which belongs to the Oleaceae family.
It is a small, evergreen, long-lived tree that can reach up to 15 meters in height, with a wide canopy and thick, twisted trunk. Its bark is finely fissured, gray or silvery in color. The leaves are opposite, ranging from 2 to 8 cm in length, lance-shaped with a slightly pointed tip, entire, leathery, glabrous, and dark gray-green on the upper side, paler and densely scaly on the underside, more or less sessile or with a very short petiole.
So the flowers are hermaphroditic, in multiflowered axillary panicles, with white corollas. The fruit, the olive, is a fleshy and highly oily drupe, ranging from 1 to 3.5 cm in length, oval or somewhat globular, initially green, which requires approximately half a year, in varieties used for oil production, to acquire a black-purple color at full maturity. Its flowering period occurs between May and July in the northern hemisphere, and between November and January in the southern hemisphere, while its fruiting period takes place between September and December in the northern hemisphere, and between March and June in the southern hemisphere. From this fruit, a highly valued oil is obtained in gastronomy—olive oil.
The benefits of olive vegetable oil are as follows:
Helps against cholesterol: Consuming olive leaves helps keep bad cholesterol in check. A simple infusion of its leaves helps improve blood sugar levels. It contains no fats and is ideal for those following a weight loss diet.
Relieves pain: The most famous ingredient in the Mediterranean diet is a natural anti-inflammatory. Olive oil has been shown to have multiple benefits for people suffering from joint pain.
Strengthens the immune system: To maintain a strong immune system, the key is a good diet. It should be balanced and include frequent monounsaturated fats found in nuts, fatty fish, sunflower oil, and extra virgin olive oil.
Prevents aging: Numerous studies state that extra virgin olive oil protects against inflammation, oxidative stress, and cardiovascular risks associated with aging.
Prevents neurodegenerative diseases: A high intake of foods rich in polyphenols, such as extra virgin olive oil, improves cognitive function and helps prevent neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Organoleptic properties
The olive vegetable oil is oily liquid appearance, which has a color that ranges from yellow to greenish yellow and with a characteristic odor.
From yellow to greenish yellow
Oily liquid
The components of olive vegetable oil are: fatty acids, omega 9 (high in oleic acid), omega 6, vitamins E and K.
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