Origanum essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the flowering tops of the Thymus capitatus L. plant belonging to the Labiadas family.
The plant is a small shrub between 20 and 50 cm. tall, whose flowering, of an intense purple color. It grows spontaneously in fields up to 200 m. altitude in the provinces of Huelva and Seville as well as Granada and Jaén.
Thymus capitatus distillation occurs during the months of July to September.
It is useful for common cold and cough: Studies have shown that it relieves nasal congestion and infections that cause the common cold or cough.
Amazing Natural Antiseptic: Thyme has strong antiseptic activity.
It is an excellent vermifuge: There are natural products on the market that contain thyme leaves to complement its natural components and act as vermifuge, which is nothing more than the property that some plants have to kill or expel parasites such as intestinal worms, and worms growing in open wounds.
Improves skin prone to acne and eczema: Thyme essential oil protects the skin, due to its active ingredients, which eliminate toxins from the body through urine and help the digestive system, achieving healthy and shiny skin.
Slows the aging process.
Combat bad breath and cavities: Another of the daily uses that we can make with thyme essential oil is related to oral health.
Muscle relaxant and stress reliever: Thyme essential oil helps to relax your body, helps you fight stress and anxiety, reducing their levels and keeping your mind calm.
Relieves premenstrual syndrome: Has diuretic action helps eliminate excess fluids. Stimulates brain functions such as memory
It is an excellent insect repellent.
Organoleptic properties
Origanum essential oil is a mobile liquid, yellowish to intense red in color, with a phenolic odor and, in most qualities, quite cresolic and not very pleasant.
Herbaceous, fresh and phenolic
From yellowish to intense red
Mobile liquid
Major component of origanum essential oil is carvacrol. Also noteworthy in its composition are gamma-terpinene and p-cymene, other components are thymol, alpha-pinene, myrcene, beta-caryophyllene.
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