Sage lavandulifolia essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the flowering tops of the botanical species Salvia lavandulifolia Vahl. belonging to the Lamiaceae family.
It is an original species of the Mediterranean and is present in much of the Spanish territory, which is why it is known by the name of Spanish lavender. It is probably what the ancient Greeks and Romans used to perfume their bath water, in fact, the word lavender comes from the Latin lavare (to wash).
Salvia lavanduifolia is an evergreen plant that can reach 60 cm in height, very resistant to droughts and low temperatures, it is unisexual and its pollination occurs through insects. Its leaves and flowers are edible and offer a very pleasant aroma. Its flowering occurs during spring and it is a species that adapts to all types of soils, especially those that are drained.
Lavandulifolia vahl is produced in July and August.
The benefits of sage lavandulifolia essential oil are as follows:
Menstrual cycle disorders: Commonly used to treat menstrual cycle disorders. It is used not only to stimulate menstruation during amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) and oligomenorrhea but also to relieve menstruation symptoms, such as dysmenorrhea (painful periods).
Menopause: It is also recommended to alleviate the symptoms of menopause. Helps limit the onset of hot flashes and night sweats.
Nervous fatigue and depression: According to several studies, the use of sage may help combat nervous fatigue, temporary depression and anxiety.
Various Conditions: It is also used for therapeutic purposes against various diseases of the body, including certain circulatory, digestive, respiratory and neurological disorders.
Organoleptic properties
Sage lavandulifolia essential oil is liquid appearance, which has a color that ranges from colorless to pale yellow and is characteristic for having a camphor-like and herbaceous aroma.
Camphor-like and herbaceous aroma
From colorless to pale yellow
Main components of sage lavandulifolia essential oil are: eucalyptol and camphor. Other components that are present in a lesser proportion, but with significant values are alpha-pinene, sabinene, limonene, linalool, linalino acetate, sabinyl acetate, alpha-terpinyl acetate and borneol.
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