Sage officinalis essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the leaves of the botanical species Salvia officinalis L. belonging to the Lamiaceae family.
Our protagonist is a perennial and aromatic herbaceous plant native to the Mediterranean region, where it grows in rocky terrain and dry grasslands, from sea level to mountain areas that is known by all these common names: common sage, royal sage, salvia de Castilla, fine sage, officinal sage, Granada sage, fine salima, sacred herb, and Moncayo sage.
It reaches a height of up to 70 centimeters, and is formed by erect and pubescent stems from which sprout petiolate, oblong and oval leaves, bluish-green, purple, variegated or tricolor (rarer). The flowers are grouped in clusters and measure about 3cm. They are pink in color and appear in spring.
Salvia officinalis L. is produced in July and August.
The benefits of sage officinalis essential oil are as follows:
Relieves symptoms of menopause: Sage contains thermoregulatory properties that help paralyze the nerve endings of the sweat glands.
Anti-inflammatory: In the form of a gargle, it is used to treat any oropharyngeal inflammation, such as angina or toothaches.
Improves digestion: natural remedy against heavy digestion, flatulence or vomiting and, being astringent, it fights diarrhea. It also helps soothe stomach pains from gastritis or hiatal hernias.
Regulates blood sugar: Sage helps to control glucose within normal levels, thanks to its hypoglycemic properties, so it can help those who suffer from diabetes, although it should always be consulted with the doctor before consumption.
Tonic effect on the nervous system: mental fatigue or apathy, as it could improve cognitive function and mood.
Organoleptic properties
Sage officinalis essential oil is liquid appearance, which has a color that ranges from colorless to pale yellow and is characteristic for having a camphoric aroma, with a touch of spice.
Camphoric aroma, with a touch of spice
From colorless to pale yellow
Main components of sage officinalis essential oil are: alpha-thuyen, camphor. Other components that are present in a lesser proportion, but with significant values are eucalyptol, beta-thuyen and alpha-humulene. Other components are alpha-pinene, camphene and limonene.
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