Savory essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the leaves and flowering tops of the botanical species Satureja montana L., belonging to the Labiadas family.
It is an aromatic annual and perennial plant. It can measure up to 50 cm in height, the leaves are small lanceolate (about 15 to 20 mm. In the case of the largest ones) and have the entire, ciliated margin; They appear attenuated at the base and sharp at the end, the flowers are arranged in long terminal clusters of lilac or violet color and they bloom in summer.
It comes from the temperate Mediterranean climate regions, but has spread widely throughout Europe and America.
Satureja Montana L. is produced in the months of July and August.
Savory essential oil has digestive and carminative properties (it favors the expulsion of gases from the digestive tract) and stimulants.
The infusion is an antispasmodic and stomach painkiller, stimulating the gastric system and gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea and flatulence, intestinal parasites).
On the other hand, this plant has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, so it acts against many digestive, respiratory and urinary infections. For this reason, it is used as a treatment for congestion, cystitis or sore throats. Finally, you can use savory to combat menstrual disorders, since its hormonal components regulate the cycle and treat its symptoms.
It acts as an insect repellent and calms the inflammation of the bites by having soothing properties.
Organoleptic properties
Savory essential oil is liquid appearance that has a colour that ranges from yellow to brown and is characteristic for having a penetrating, spicy and phenolic aroma.
Penetrating, spicy and phenolic aroma
From yellow to brown
Major component of savory essential oil is carvacrol. Alpha-terpinene and p-cymene also stand out in their composition, other components are thymol, linalool, beta-caryophyllene, carvacrol methyl ether and borneol.
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