Spike lavender essential oil is one of Spain’s most important essential oils, both historically and today.
It belongs to the Lavandula genus and is obtained through steam distillation of the flowering tops of Lavandula latifolia W. from the Lamiaceae family.
This species is abundant across the Mediterranean basin, especially in Spain. However, in the last 20-25 years, many plantations have been established, making this region the primary source of the oil. It is mainly found in the provinces of Guadalajara, Cuenca, Albacete, Soria, and particularly Murcia.
The plant grows up to 90 cm tall and produces intense blue flower spikes at its top. These spikes contain the essential oil, and today, mechanized harvesting helps minimize waste by reducing unnecessary handling of leaves and unwanted volumes.
Lavandula latifolia W. distillation typically occurs in August, ensuring the best quality essential oil is extracted during this time.
Spike lavender essential oil heals the skinHeals the skin, treats burns and pressure sores or bedsores of people with reduced mobility, sores and cracks.
It has antivenom properties for wasp, spider, flea, mosquito, jellyfish and scorpion stings. It prevents the area from inflaming and reduces burning.
If you have candida Albicans, lavender essential oil fights it. It is a powerful antifungal, so it can be used for foot odor, produced by fungi. It is even useful for treating athlete’s foot, it will take away the itchiness and bad smell.
To treat runny nose or runny nose. It is generally very effective in treating bronchitis, aphonia, laryngitis, all those ENT infections, as it is very effective in infections caused by Staphylococcus dorado or colibacillus bacteria.
It helps to treat muscle contractures, as it will relax the muscles, applied topically.
Organoleptic properties
Spike lavender essential oil is a transparent mobile liquid, slightly yellow to orange-yellow in color, with a characteristic, wild olor, more or less camphor.
Characteristic, more or less camphor
From slightly yellow to orange-yellow
Transparent mobile liquid
Main components of spike lavender essential oil are eucalyptus linalol, eucalyptol and camphor, but its components also include limonene, linalyl acetate, alpha-terpineol and trans alpha-bisabolene.
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