Thyme Essential Oil: Benefits, Uses, Properties and Composition

Blog – Thyme Essential Oil: Benefits, Uses, Properties and Composition

thyme essential oil


Thyme essential oil has aromatic thyme as its main component, a versatile perennial herb valued for its culinary, medicinal, and cosmetic uses. Associated with strength and well-being, this potent oil is distilled from the leaves and flowering tops of thyme. There are several chemotypes of thyme, each offering distinct benefits and considerations. Among these, two are most common: the thymol chemotype (Thymus vulgaris ct. thymol) and the linalool chemotype (T. vulgaris ct. linalool). The latter, with fewer toxic phenols, is especially safe for skin applications and is ideal for blends designed for children.

Thyme essential oil boasts a warmly sweet, pungent aroma that pairs beautifully with other oils such as bergamot, cedarwood, chammile, juniper, lemon, mandarin, niaouli, petitgrain, and rosemary. This makes it a popular choice for both aromatic and therapeutic uses. Whether for enhancing well-being or creating fragrant blends, thyme essential oil offers a multitude of benefits.


  • Treats respiratory conditions

Thyme essential oil drains congestion and cures infections in the chest and throat that cause the common cold or cough. The common cold is caused by over 200 different viruses that can attack the upper respiratory tract, and they’re spread in the air from person to person. Common causes of catching a cold include a weakened immune system, lack of sleep, emotional stress, mold exposure and an unhealthy digestive tract.

Thyme oil’s ability to kill infections, reduce anxiety, rid the body of toxins and treat insomniawithout drugs makes it the perfect natural remedy for the common cold. The best part is it’s all natural.

  • Eliminates bacteria and infections

Due to thyme components like caryophyllene and camphene, the oil is antiseptic and kills infections on the skin and within the body. Thyme essential oil is also antibacterial and inhibits bacterial growth; this means that thyme oil is able to treat intestinal infections, bacteria infections in the genitals and urethra, bacteria that builds up in the respiratory system, and heals cuts or wounds that are exposed to harmful bacteria.

Thyme essential oil is also a vermifuge, so it kills intestinal worms that can be very dangerous. Use thyme oil in your parasite cleanse to treat round worms, tape worms, hook worms and maggots that grow in open sores.

  • Promotes skin health

Thyme essential oil protects the skin from harmful bacteria and fungal infections; it also works as a home remedy for acne; heals sores, wounds, cuts and scars; relieves burns; and naturally remedies rashes.

Eczema, or example, is a common skin disorder that causes dry, red, itchy skin that can blister or crack. Sometimes this is due to poor digestion (like leaky gut), stress, heredity, medications and immune deficiencies. Because thyme oil helps the digestive system, stimulates the elimination of toxins from the body through urination, relaxes the mind and functions as an antioxidant, it’s the perfect natural eczema treatment.

  • Promotes teeth health

Thyme essential oil is known to treat oral problems like tooth decay, gingivitis, plaque and bad breath. With its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, thyme oil is a natural way to kill germs in the mouth so you can avoid oral infections, so it works as agum disease natural remedy and cures bad breath. Thymol, an active component in thyme oil, is used as a dental varnish that protects the teeth from decay.

  • Serves as bug repellent

Thyme essential oil keeps away pests and parasites that feed on the body. Pests like mosquitoes, fleas, lice and bed bugs can wreak havoc on your skin, hair, clothes and furniture, so keep them away with this all-natural essential oil. A few drops of thyme oil also repels moths and beetles, so your closet and kitchen are safe. If you didn’t get to the thyme oil quick enough, it also treats insect bites and stings.

  • Increases circulation

Thyme essential oil is a stimulant, so it activates circulation; blocked circulation leads to conditions like arthritis and stroke. This powerful oil is also able to relax the arteries and veins — reducing stress on the heart and blood pressure. That makes thyme oil a natural remedy for high blood pressure.

Use natural and safe remedies like thyme oil to increase blood circulation. Thyme oil is also a tonic, so it tones the circulatory system, strengthens cardiac muscles and keeps the blood flowing properly.

  • Eases stress and anxiety

Thyme essential oil is an effective way to bust stress and treat restlessness. It relaxes the body — allowing your lungs, veins and mind to open and keep the body functioning properly. It’s important to stay relaxed and level-headed because constant anxiety can lead to high blood pressure, insomnia, digestive problems and panic attacks. It can be caused by a hormone imbalance, which can be regulated by thyme oil naturally.

Use a few drops of thyme oil throughout the week to reduce anxiety levels and allow your body to thrive. Add the oil to bath water, a diffuser, body lotion or just inhale it.

  •  Balances hormones

Thyme essential oil has progesterone balancing effects; it benefits the body by improving progesterone production. Both men and a lot of women are low in progesterone, and low progesterone levels have been linked with infertility, PCOS and depression, as well as other imbalanced hormones within the body. 

Research discussed in the Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine noted that of 150 herbs tested for progesterone production that inhibit the growth of human breast cancer cells, thyme oil is one of the top six to have the highest estradiol and progesterone binding. For this reason, using thyme oil is a great way to naturally balance hormones in the body; plus, it’s far better than turning to synthetic treatments, such as hormone replacement therapy, which can make you dependent on prescription drugs, mask symptoms while developing diseases in other parts of the body and often cause serious side effects.

By stimulating hormones, thyme oil is also known to delay menopause; it also serves as a natural remedy for menopause reliefbecause it balances hormone levels and relieves menopausal symptoms, including mood swings, hot flashes and insomnia.

  • Treats fibroids

Fibroids are growths of connective tissue that occur in the uterus. Many women experience no symptoms from fibroids, but they can cause heavy periods. The causes of fibroids include high levels of estrogen and low levels of progesterone due to obesity, hypothyroidism, perimenopause or low-fiber diets.

Because thyme oil increases progesterone levels in the body, it serves as a natural fibroid treatment. Rub two drops of thyme oil on the abdomen twice daily to treat fibroids and relieve symptoms of PMS and menstruation.


  • Thyme essential oil is a poweful healer for all types of skin infections; it is strongly antibacterial and stimulates the production of white blood corpuscles, prevents or destroys fungal infections, and promotes the formation of scar tissue in wound healing. This makes it suitable for treating a wide range of problems, including abscesses, acne boils and carbuncles, bruises, minor burns and scalds, cold sores, dermatitis, eczema and insect bites. Thyme oil must always be well diluted, as it can sting and cause irritation.
  • Likewise, the thyme oil is the reviver, it has a stimulant action on the immune system and a strengthening and tonic action on the circulation system and the mind. It increases energy and quickens the fuction of glands.
  • Thyme oil also stimulates the digestive system, acting as an intestinal antiseptic, aiding digestion, relieving cramps and spasms in the intestines and easing flatulence and gastric infections.
  • Additionally, It increases the flow of urine, and this, combined with its antiseptic action, makes it useful in abdominal compresses to treat cystitis and urethritis . The diuretic action helps to remove uric acid, making it useful in blends for easing arthritis, gout, rheumatism and sciatica.
  • Thyme oil is a repiratory tract disinfectant; it also helps to loosen and remove mucus and increase perspiration. In chest rubs or used in a diffuser, it will ease the symptoms of asthma. Used in massage blends or in an inhaler, it can help to treat bronchitis, catarrh, colds, coughs, croup, emphysema, sinusitis and whooping cough.
  • For women, thyme essential oil encourages and regulates mestrual flow.
  • Finally, thyme oil gives courage and strengthens the will and the nervous system, therefore, it is useful in trating insomnia, headaches, nervous debility and stress.


Antiseptic Properties:

Thyme essential oil, enriched with phenolic components, exhibits strong antibacterial activity against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. This antibacterial effect is achieved through the action of thyme on the bacterial membranes, disrupting the integrity of microorganisms.

Immune System Support:

Thyme oil significantly stimulates leukopoiesis, the production of leukocytes (immune cells), making it a valuable enhancer when used alongside other immunostimulants. This property makes thyme oil particularly beneficial for boosting the body’s natural defense mechanisms.

Antispasmodic and Expectorant Properties:

Thyme oil also possesses spasmolytic properties, especially in the respiratory system, making it an effective antitussive (cough suppressant). Its expectorant effects are due to its ability to thin bronchial secretions, facilitating their expulsion. This makes it highly effective in managing coughs associated with excessive mucus.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

When applied topically, thyme oil acts as a rubefacient, increasing local temperature and blood circulation, while also reducing inflammation by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins, the compounds responsible for inflammation. This dual action makes thyme oil a valuable natural remedy for reducing localized inflammation.


 These are plants from the same genus that appear nearly identical but produce essential oils with different primary constituents. Chemotypes (CTs) are named based on these dominant components. For example, commercially produced thyme oils are extracted from the following seven chemotypes:
  • Carvacrol
  • Thymol
  • Borneol
  • Geraniol
  • Linalool
  • Thujanol

Most thyme oils available on the market are rich in thymol and/or carvacrol, both of which have strong antibacterial properties but can also be moderately irritating. The toxicity of some essential oils varies significantly depending on the chemotype, as seen in oils like basil, buchu, ho leaf, and hyssop. While chemotypes represent variations within a single botanical species, in other cases, such as with calamus or sage, differences in botanical origin can lead to significant compositional and toxicological variations. Therefore, clear labeling that includes both the chemotype and botanical species is essential to distinguish between seemingly similar essential oils.

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