Lemon thyme essential oil is extracted through steam distillation from the flowering tops of the Lamiaceae family.
Lemon thyme plants are incredibly easy to grow; they practically take care of themselves. This aromatic herb is a low-growing, woody perennial that thrives in both dry and moderately sunny garden areas. You can harvest its leaves for cooking, as they offer a robust flavor that complements strong ingredients, especially in Italian dishes with garlic, olive oil, and tomatoes.
Additionally, lemon thyme is a natural addition to Mediterranean cuisine, a region native to the plant. While it resembles regular thyme, crushing its leaves reveals a distinct, citrusy aroma. With over 350 thyme species, there’s a wide range of flavors and scents to explore. However, the lemon thyme’s balanced citrus bouquet makes it a standout choice.
Historically, thyme was valued for its medicinal properties, such as acting as a natural antiseptic and preservative. It was also used for meat preservation and early perfumes. Today, thyme is mainly grown as an ornamental plant, though lemon thyme remains a favorite spice in kitchens worldwide.
The thyme plant’s pink, white, or lavender tubular flowers are highly attractive to bees. Its small gray-green leaves remain evergreen, and most thyme varieties can be harvested during winter. Lemon thyme produces light purple flowers, which can be used both for decoration and in cooking, adding a mild herbal and citrus flavor that mirrors its leaves.
Finally, Thymus hyemalis has recently been classified as a separate species, further highlighting the diverse varieties within the thyme family.
One of the most notable benefits of thyme lemon (Thymus Hymalis L.) essential oil is its smell, this is due to the concentration of thymol and carvacrol in its essentials, since they are the compounds with the highest proportion and therefore those that give it this smell characteristic.
In addition, these compounds are also the ones that provide antibiotic properties to the plant, also the form in a great expectorant and an analgesic plant, so they provide another benefit.
For this reason, thymus hyemalis, in addition to being a plant used to enhance culinary flavors, has also been used since ancient times to cure respiratory problems, colds and viral diseases.
Organoleptic properties
Thyme lemon essential oil is mobile liquid oil, with a color that ranges from pale yellowish to yellow, with a characteristic, herbaceous and sweet odor.
Characteristic, herbaceous and sweet.
From pale yellowish to yellow
Mobile liquid
Main component of thyme lemon essential oil (Thymus Hyemalis L.) is eucalyptol. Besides, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, camphene, myrcene, limonene, camphor, linalool, alpha-terpineol and borneol also stand out in their composition.
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