Thyme red essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the flowery tops of the botanical species Thymus zygis L. and Thymus vulgaris L. chemtype thymol, belonging to the Lamiaceae family.
Thyme red essential oil is the stronger of than other Thyme oils. This oil has a wide spectrum of medicinal uses. Thyme is a perennial aromatic herb with small green-grey leaves and violet or white flowers.
The ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Romans used Thyme as a medicinal herb. The Greeks used it as incense and the Egyptians as part of the embalming process. Thyme became a symbol of bravery and presented to jousting knights in the Middle ages. The people carried Thyme into the courtrooms. They believed holding Thyme would protect them against diseases such as yellow fever.
Interestingly Thyme oil is seven times stronger than carbolic acid, thus useful in hospitals as a disinfectant.
Medical dressings for surgery were soaked in Thyme oil, An old a method of treating wounds which continued up until the First World War.
Today Aromatherapists use thyme red in support of convalescent clients. The added bonus of protecting against any further infections.
Thyme red is components make it chemically more aggressive than Sweet or White Thym. It contains a much higher percent of toxic phenols.
As a result thyme red is advocated for use only by experienced Professional Aromatherapists.
Thymus zygis L. is produced between the months of May to July.
Thyme red essential oil is antiseptic, antibacterial, antispasmodic, hypertensive, and has calming properties. Thyme essential oil is known to promote healthier skin and teeth, assist with respiratory conditions, kill bacteria and infections, and alleviate stress and anxiety.
Organoleptic properties
Thyme red essential oil with a liquid appearance, which has a color that ranges from yellow to red and is characteristic for having an aromatic and phenolic aroma with a slightly spicy base.
Aromatic and phenolic aroma with a slightly spicy base
From yellow to red
Major component of thyme red essential oil is thymol. Other components that are present in a lesser proportion, but with significant values, are limonene, p-cymene, gamma-terpinel. Other components are alpha-pinene, myrcene, linalool, beta-caryophyllene, carvacrol methyl ether, carvacrol.
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